02 June 2009


Hola! The dish above is called Migas--it is a Tex-Mex dish that is great for breakfast or brunch. I have little experience with Tex-Mex cuisine but I saw Rachael Ray make this one day in her show and it looked really yummy (anything with avocado seems yummy to me!). The next day I saw that I had the approximate ingredients in the fridge and decided to give it a go. I say approximate because I liberally substituted many of the ingredients, like pita bread for corn tortilla and brown lentils for refried beans. I also did not look up the recipe, just relying on memory, so it is Tex-Mex reintepreted.

Here is Rachael Ray's recipe. http://www.rachaelrayshow.com/food/recipes/mighty-migas/

My version is vegetarian, it has onions, garlic, cut up pita bread, cooked brown lentils, cherry tomatoes, fresh red chillies, cheddar cheese, avocado and eggs, and I topped it with some indian yogurt. As Rachael Ray would say: "Delish!"

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